Finding Your Local Hunt

Foxhunting is more common than you might think, with hundreds of hunts around the US, several in Canada, and many more in Europe, especially England, Ireland, and France. There are even hunt clubs to be found in faraway places like South Africa, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand. Since each hunt is different, the Master or Secretary of your local hunt can tell you about their hunt - how fast they ride, how much ground they cover, how high the jumps are and whether or not they are compulsory, and what the rules are. Some hunts readily welcome guests, and some require guests to be invited by an accompanying member, or only allow guests on certain days.

Baily’s Hunting Directory

United States and Canada
MFHA (Masters of Foxhounds Association of North America)
Index of Foxhound Packs by State

United Kingdom
MFHA (Masters of Foxhounds Association - UK) Hunting Office
Find a Pack

Venerie Society
Find a Pack

Foxhunting Stories
